Class review and approval process can take up to 30 days from time of request.
It is recommended that Classes are submitted for approval prior to paying for services/attending classes.
If a class provider is also providing other Self-Direction Services (Clinician, Support Broker, Community Habilitation, SEMP, Respite) this must be disclosed during the initial request for approval.
Class Approval Requirements:
When reviewing Classes/Memberships/IDD Transition/Camps/Coaching for Advocates ISS requires the following things:
- Provider Contact Information
- Location of Program/Service
- A clear description of what will be occurring during the program or class (i.e. IDD Transition Course Outline)
- Proof of public advertising (website, Facebook Page, Instagram page, if using flyers an email from the provider detailing how it’s distributed)
- Proof of public pricing (invoice rates must match public rates)
- Permits (for Summer Camps running between the months of June and September, seasonal camps)
- Additional documentation to support the information detailed above; this includes flyers, brochures, websites, emails/letters from providers
For Direct Billing we need the following:
- Completed Contract for Direct Billing, signed and dated by participant/designee and class provider
- Completed W-9
- Vendor Information should match between the Contract for Direct Billing and the W-9
This is not advised but, if a class has already been attended or paid for we need the following documentation as soon as possible:
- Proof of attendance
- Invoices/receipts (For approved classes seeking reimbursement please submit as soon as possible)
- If it isn’t an already approved class please submit aforementioned documents for class review
- Please note this reimbursement is not guaranteed. It is highly recommended that invoices/reimbursements are submitted before the end of the following month after the date of attendance/service.