News from Accounts Payable

Due to the Holiday Season, Rent checks which are generally mailed on the 24th of each month will be mailed on the 26th, for November and December. November checks were placed in the mail yesterday. Any questions or concerns, please contact or your Self-Direction Coordinator. We have amended our mileage forms on the ISS […]

Minutes of 11/8/18 Parent Council Meeting

3rd ISS Parent Council MeetingMinutes of MeetingNov 8, 201811:00 AM to 12:30 PM380 Rabro Drive, Hauppauge & 20 Crystal Street, Monticello

To Payroll Employees

Please remember that the post office is closed Monday, 11/12/18. If you are not working over the weekend we ask that you mail your timesheets on Friday or Saturday this week. Thank you!

Important information and reminders from ISS Payroll

1. Timesheets will be returned to staff if they are not complete. The staff and participant/representative must make sure that every area of the timesheet is filled in. Timesheets will also be returned if there is ANY white out or pencil used on the timesheet. These will not be paid, so please ensure that we […]

Portal Maintenance this Saturday, 9/29

Please be advised, the Participant and SEMP portals, will be undergoing maintenance this Saturday, 9/29 from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. This means the system will be down during this time. Note: Depending on the time it takes the developers to finish their updates, it may be up and running soon. Thank you, Your […]

Self-Direction Webinar for Individuals and Families

Below is the announcement and link for the 9/25 Self-Direction participant and family Webinar. Please note that registration will be limited to the first 1,000 people.  If you miss it there is a plan to make it available online. Self-Direction Webinar for Individuals and Families Hosted by OPWDD Division of Person-Centered Supports, Self-Direction Unit, Kate […]

Salary Parameters of Self- Hired Staff (Direct Support Professionals)

Policy: Independent Support Services, Inc. as a Fiscal Intermediary is establishing salary parameters for Self-Hired Staff (Direct Support Professionals) in order to insure that pay rates will not result in excessive service reimbursement costs. ISS Salary Parameter of Self-Hire. Pay Rates: Starting wage for Self Hired Staff (Direct Support Professionals) could be between $15 and […]

Minutes of 7/24/18 Parent Council Meeting

2nd ISS Parent Council MeetingMinutes of MeetingJuly 24, 20186:00 PM to 8:00 PM380 Rabro Drive, Hauppauge, NY

Newly Revised AP Forms

To all, Effective immediately, the Accounts Payable department has revised and uploaded updated forms to the website.  These forms replace previous, outdated ones.  Going forward, please begin using the new, revised forms. In addition, please note that we have added a mileage form for use by families with multiple participants who utilize multiple family-owned vehicles […]

Minutes of 3/20/18 Parent Council Meeting

1st ISS Parent Council MeetingMinutes of MeetingMarch 20, 20186:00 PM to 7:30 PM380 Rabro Drive, Hauppauge, NY