In response to the question of having a way to verify Support Staff are “Essential Employees”, attached is a letter that can be downloaded and printed for staff to carry with them showing they are working. We will also have this letter on our website at under the news section at the bottom of the home page. If a […]
Author: ISS Admin
Independent Support Services, Inc. Due to this unprecedented time we have been receiving some of the same questions. Below are the two most frequently asked questions and answers. What is FAPTO (Family Approved Paid Time Off): FAPTO Policy: Support Staff working for Participants accrue Paid Time Off bi-weekly per the agency’s Paid Time Off Policy. […]
Interim Guidance from OPWDD regarding Comm Hab
Hello all We just received interim guidance from OPWDD in regards to Community Habilitation and wanted to share with you all as soon as possible. As per NYS, Direct Support Professionals ( DSPs) are considered an essential employees. Com Hab Staff are considered DSPs and are essential employees. Being an essential employee means that they […]
Suggestions for expense Uploads Link
Important AP Note – All expense reimbursements uploaded through the portal must include a signed expense form or they will be held up for payment. AP has posted an additional list of suggestions for expense uploads on our website <link> Please take a few moments to review and follow the suggestions on this list. Thank […]
Helpful information about Covid-19
Updated Announcement with Important Information Regarding COVID-19
Independent Support Services would like you to know that we are as concerned as you during this unprecedented time of uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 virus. At this time, we want to notify our stakeholders about some critical information. We encourage Participants and their Circle of Support to reach out to their Care Managers, Brokers and then […]
ISS has started accepting electronic submissions!
In doing so we have noticed some problems and/or suggestions – Incomplete forms – Everyone should be completing forms the same way they always have but instead of putting them in an envelope; they can now be uploaded in the portal. No Expense form cover page – All “reimbursement” expense type requests need an expense […]
Public Service Announcement
Independent Support Services, Inc. wants to ensure that all of our Self-Directed participants, family members and self-hired staff are aware of and are practicing the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control(CDC) to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. The CDC recommends the following: -actively encourage sick employees to stay home. Direct Support Staff receive […]