An eblast was sent out earlier today, however there was a glitch with the platform we used to send the information causing the links to be inactive. The links at the bottom of this message are active and usable.

With the approval of the 2024 COLA increase for brokerage, ISS is updating their Support Broker Agreement (SBA) and processes. Please read through the below bullet points to ensure you capture all of the required information for your next submission.

ISS is requiring you to use the attached Support Broker Agreement Template. We have altered the SBA to ask an important question regarding Primary Broker.

–    Please see attached “ISSNY – Support Broker Agreement Template 09-10-2024”

Each SBA needs to be completed in its entirety; missing information, pages or signatures will be sent back for correction. SBA should be sent to

Signatures must be wet signed or digitally signed with time/date stamp.

–   Please see attached “SBA – ISSNY Submission Guide 09-10-2024”

If you are changing anything about your agreement (i.e. affiliates, rate or hours) a new SBA needs to be completed and sent to

Affiliate Brokers:

–      If you are working with other brokers for the same participant: each broker MUST complete their own SBA. The primary broker will be responsible for sending them all together at the same time, in the same email to

  • On page 3 of the SBA, all affiliated brokers should be listed

Primary Brokers:

–     As previously mentioned, we are requiring the attached SBA be used so that identifying who the Primary Brokers is clear for all.

–      Additionally, you are responsible for sending all the SBAs for the participant together at the same time to

  • If you do not submit all of the broker agreements at the same time, any broker who has current access to the portal, will automatically be terminated and/or will be removed from the portal. Should a subsequent agreement come in after the budget amendment is approved, that affiliate SBA will be processed and that broker will receive a new broker review year.

For every broker that bills for Brokerage, they are responsible for submitting their own set of Planning Team Meeting Minutes (PTM) for the year (2 per broker review year). This requirement applies for any broker, even those providing Housing Navigation that use the brokerage line to bill.

Termination Forms:

-Please send all Broker Terminations to

  • Please see attached “ISSNY_selfdirected_service_termination_form (09-10-24)”
  • Please ensure Page 2 is completed. If Page 2 is not completed, the termination will be sent back
  • We have included a guide to assist you with completing the form accurately

If you have any questions, please join us for a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday September 17th at 1pm (

ISSNY Self-Direction Termination Form
ISSNY Self-Direction Termination Guide
ISSNY Support Broker Agreement Template
ISSNY Broker Submission Guide

Mary Abbatiello
Director of Program Services