First update:
Recently there has been a revision made to the ADM that allows for the use of remote technology to deliver Home and Community Based Services.
As of 11/11/23 and Per ADM# 21-ADM-03R there has been an extension granted until 4/11/24 allowing for Life Plans to reflect the election of the use of remote technology. The ADM is attached for your review.
Second update:
We have revised the Self Hired Support Staff Employee Handbook. The Employee Handbook is available on our Portal through the Learning Management System. All Self Hired Support Staff will have 60 days to review the Employee Handbook and the attestation in the Learning Management system as required.
The Revised Employee Handbook will also be available through the Learning Management System for Brokers and for Participants and or their Primary contacts to view and download as needed.
Additionally, we will be sending out a separate eblast to Support Staff in regards to the Revised Employee Handbook and there will be a banner on our Portal as well.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Laurie Cirillo
Associate Executive Director