ISS is reinstating the FAPTO Policy

Participants and or their Designee can choose to allow Staff to be paid under the Family Approved Paid Time Off policy for up to 20 hours in a calendar year as long as their Self-Directed Budget can afford it and it is approved by Independent Support Services. FAPTO is at the discretion of the Participant/Family not at the Support Staff’s discretion.

Please read the policy in it’s entirety by clicking on the button below:

FAPTO Policy

Inactive Self-Hired Policy

Independent Support Services, Inc. as a Fiscal Intermediary reserves the right to move Full and Part Time Self-Hired Staff to an inactive status when the Self-Hired Staff has not worked in three months or more.

Please read the policy in it’s entirety by clicking on the button below:

Inactive Staff Policy

Mileage Reimbursement Announcement

Effective as of January 1, 2023, the IRS has increased the mileage reimbursement rate to 65.5 cents per mile. See the link below for detailed information:

Please read the by clicking the link below: